Bonus Episode: Hell Comes To Frogtown Watchalong!!!


July 3rd, 2020

1 hr 16 mins 32 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

What's this?? Why it's a bonus episode!!! Cash & Wes sat down to watch Vinegar Syndrome's beautiful blu ray release of the cult not-so-classic, Hell Comes To Frogtown! The film stars the iconic Rowdy Roddy Piper, as well as 80's barbarian film mainstay Sandahl Bergman. If you've seen it, you know how bonkers this thing gets. This was Cash's first time seeing it, so what better way to do it than record it? If you'd like to get a six pack, chomp on an edible and join in the fun, there's a few ways to do it: The movie is currently streaming on Amazon and Shudder. Additionally, you can pick up the blu ray directly from []( So, fire up the movie and join in on the laughs on this BON(ER)US EPISODE!!!!