Episode 81

Melody Caudill (Career Woman)


August 11th, 2021

51 mins 22 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

This week's guest has the rare distinction of being a 2nd generation artist who's ALSO the daughter of a former guest. At the young age of 17, Melody Caudill's songwriting ability exceeds a level most musicians only hope to achieve and in hearing her talk, it will come as no surprise. Her approach to her music & self-awareness shows through in conversation as well.

This is a fantastic discussion with a songwriter who is already impacting (and will continue to) listeners with her honest, sincere approach to lyrics. As I am a fan of her father's work, my daughter is a fan of Melody's music. So, Roxie joins me as co-host to interview one of her musical heroes who just so happened to live up to every one of her expectations. You will all leave this conversation of Career Woman. And speaking of, her new single will be available August 17th courtesy of Lauren Records.

Keep up with Melody on Instagram: @melodycaudill